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I’m baaaack…
Well,what to say? I was really aiming to try and keep a weekly blog going but my hardware had other ideas. On arriving back from holiday in which I contemplated leaving my MacBook at home, it decided to stop working. And I discovered after taking it in to Mac hospital that my logic board and screen decided […]
Change your spots.
  So after a nice weekend away at Harties where i was sheltered from the all consuming threat of load shedding, its gave me some time to reflect on things. Which is surprising because you would think that not having electricity would give you plenty time to think. But be that as it may… […]
10 year mile marker
So this weekend i’m on break from ESP to celebrate my 10 year anniversary with my partner Jess 🙂 We have booked some time away and are going to enjoy some time to ourselves with the Granny’s taking care of Vida while we are away. A lot of people have congratulated us over the past […]
Old dog, new tricks…
So this blogging every week thing is turning into a quite a personal challenge, but one i’m hoping to push through on. But i really wanted to blog about the how things have changed for the modern day DJ. Its a little ranty now i read it back but i think the jist of the […]
Pushing on
Ha, so much for trying to blog once a week! Not like i haven’t has much time on my hands. Because i have. No really. This week has and today in particular has been dominated by me trying to upload all my mixes, and then spend the rest of the day looking for either the […]
Back into the groove
So with the angst of Arsenal finally winning a CL game and Danny bagging a hat trick, Â i can focus a little more on some music eh? My new mix is up on Mixcloud and i have embedded it into the Music page of the website if you wanna take a little. Going to be […]
IDM Magazine Interview
   So here is an interview i did with Dave Mac down at IDM Mag in Cape Town. Enjoy the read.
 It has been while, but it seems i’m finally up off my ass and working on my own stuff. Like this website. So bear with me, i’m still learning. DS